Establish Balance This Spring Through Pranayama
Establish Balance This Spring Through Pranayama The Seasonal transition (in sanskrit Rutu Sandhi) offers many obstacles when it comes to maintaining balance within our bodies. Spring may be Characterized by Kapha dosha but as the weather patterns become variable and unpredictable there is a spike in Vata. In addition, the hot cold alternation and constant […]
Neti Pot
This month’s self-care practice is Neti, an ayurvedic selfcare practices that focus on the nose, sense of smell and earth element. It is a great time to incorporate this practice into our daily routine, especially for those of us with sinus conditions. Both the usage of a neti pot and nasal drops (nasya) are preventative […]
Cumin, Coriander and Fennel Tea
Seasonal Transition As the seasons change we too change with them. The transition from winter to spring may be one of the most welcomed changes in local climate, but it can be tough on the body. As the seasons battle for control of the weather our systems become victim to fluctuating temperatures, blistering winds, and […]
Welcome to an Ayurvedic Spring in Asheville, NC!
In this inception article of our Blog and Newsletter, we will look at springtime and daily practices for this transition. Because we live in the eastern part of the United states and it is best to talk about what you know, we will have a special focus on the climate of Asheville, NC and […]