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In the spring season Kapha is at its highest point, making it common to experience Kapha type symptoms. The damn heavy atmosphere creates the perfect environment for thick congestion, sinus issues, and fatigue. There are a lot of simple remedies that combat these spring irritants, but today we want to talk about the simplicity of cinnamon, ginger, and licorice tea.

Cinnamon helps to clear mucous and encourages the circulation of Vata throughout the respiratory system. If you’re congestion is present because of a spring cold, try adding fresh ginger root to the mix for an extra boost of mucous clearing from the respiratory system. Licorice is a wonderful demulcent that will reduce inflation while soothing any irritation from coughing and helps to clear Kapha from the lungs.


Cinnamon / ginger /licorice tea recipe (for daily dose):

Bring 1 quart of water to boil 
Add 1 1/2 ” of fresh Ginger, 2 Cinnamon sticks, and 2 licorice sticks or 2 teaspoons cut  licorice root
Boil for 30 minutes or until 3 cups are left 

Drink a cup after meals 3 times a day.

As the days of spring grow longer and the heat of the sun sets in, Kapha and Pitta collide. Spring may be the season of Kapha, with its cool damp tones bringing the earth back to life, but when the heat of the season starts to show it’s clear that pitta season is right around the corner. Many of us are encountering a sea of pollen while spending more time outdoors with the inviting weather, the thought of getting ready for summer is on your minds and for those of pitta constitution now is a time for noticing early signs of imbalance and preparing for our doshic season! With spring Allergies exemplifying the interface of the doshas and often creating sinus congestion, there are two simple medicines that can be found in the kitchen that can help us to adjust through this season and get ready for the next.

Cinnamon and ginger are two common yet powerful substances that can be used on their own or combined to help with spring allergies.

A few of the biggest symptoms we try to combat this season are sinus and chest congestion. It makes sense, the cool, damp, and cloudy qualities of kapha are hanging in the air. Combine this with the clouds of pollen blowing and makes it a hard job for our nasal passages to take in the spring air without irritation.


If you are suffering from sinus congestion you can use powdered ginger ( or even stronger powdered cinnamon) to open the sinus cavities and clear out excess mucus. Create a paste by adding a small amount of water to ginger powder, then generously apply it to your face around your sinuses mimicking glasses, but keep it clear from the delicate tissues right around the eyes.  You can leave this on for ten minutes or until it dries and carefully wash it off. Be wary of the slight burning sensation but it is well worth it to breathe again. This is also helpful from those allergy related sinus headaches!

Chest congestion can be cleared by drinking a cinnamon / ginger / licorice tea (click for recipe). The cinnamon helps to clear mucous and encourages the circulation of Vata throughout the respiratory system. If you’re congestion is present because of a spring cold, try adding fresh ginger root to the mix for an extra boost of mucous clearing from the respiratory system.



The change of season from winter to spring can have a dampening effect on digestion, leaving many of us with sluggish digestion or manda agni. Cinnamon and ginger are wonderful additives to stoke the digestive fire! Licorice helps to lubricate the stomach and intestine and counter the heating effects of the previous two spices.

Adding cinnamon to a cup of warm ginger tea and drinking before meals will help heat things up!  The licorice balances the combination by its sweet and cooling anti inflammatory nature.This combination will increase agni and the secretion of digestive enzymes. Cinnamon also helps to relieve gas and expel excess water that we may be holding onto this time of year. The licorice controls excess inflammation and is a boon for allergic reactions.


You may notice that even though the temperature are rising you are still experience cold extremities. Cinnamon helps to stimulate vyana vayu and opens up circulation to the joints. This helps the body to move heat to the extremities away from the digestive organs. Adding cinnamon to your tea or oatmeal can help to warm things up as your body adjusts.

Taking the time to adjust to the current environment will help your body transition to the next season. Clearing out excess kapha before it becomes stagnant will help you to feel lighter making the rising heats more bearable. Enjoy your Spring, breathe easier as you prepare for the excitement and joy of long summer days and outdoor activities with family and friends!

Kitchari is the perfect dish for the spring season. Spring is the season of detoxification and this delicious dish is a great way to give your body a much-needed break while it works on resting your digestion it gently promotes detoxification from winter accumulations and the holidays!

Kitchari is balancing to all three doshas and can be jazzed up, spiced up, or flavored in ways appealing to your taste buds and personal needs.  To make kitchari you start with basmati rice and lentils or dal. This combination creates a dish that is easy to digest and is nourishing to the body. A bowl of rice and lentils by themselves may not sound too appetizing and that’s why you can add in any variety of veggies, spices, and even meat into the mix.

When making Kitchari for the whole family or a group of friends it’s a great idea to make a batch that is balancing and pleasing to all three doshas and putting out extras or condiments to later add into the dish.

To create a basic Kitchari, start by soaking 1 cup of split yellow mung dal or red lentils. It’s best to allow them to soak for a few hours or overnight, this allows the dal or lentils to soften ensuring you have a soft and easily digestible final product. After soaking you want to place them in a strainer and wash them thoroughly.

In a large saucepan on medium heat add your ghee or high heat oil then spices. We enjoy mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and coriander seeds. Allow the seeds to simmer in the hot ghee until the mustard seeds pop and the others lightly brown. This allows the full aromas of the seeds to blend in with the meal.


Once the seeds have opened up and filled the air with their lovely aroma you can add in your rice, dal, veggies, and other spices.  Gently stir and coat them with the seeds and oil.You can add any veggies your heart desires to this dish or tailor it to your doshic needs, we enjoy seasonals like asparagus, spinach, and root veggies.

Pour in your water and bring to a boil. Let the pan boil for 5 minutes before turning it down low. Cover the pot and allow it to cook for 20 – 25 minutes, or until the lentils and rice are tender.

Your dinner crowd may define what powdered spices and condiments you add to your kitchari in the last 10 minutes of cooking. For pitta soothing add turmeric, cumin, and fennel powder with shredded coconut or chopped cilantro garnish. For vata and Kapha soothing add a tiny pinch of Hing, ginger powder and garam masala, perhaps more of the heating spices like ginger and pepper, even cayenne for Kapha. Salt can also be added at this time.

Some further ways to jazz up your kitchari are by garnishing it with things that will make your mouth and belly happy!

For the Vata predominant folks out there you can add yogurt or ghee for extra moisture or warm things up with a squeeze of lime.

Pitta predominates folks might enjoy the soothing and cooling freshness of lime and cilantro added to the kitchari. Coconut milk is also a wonderful additive that cools down the spices and can also be added in while cooking.

To kick up the spice and get things moving Kapha predominant folks may enjoy adding an extra pinch hing, ginger powder, cinnamon or clove.

You could even get creative by adding chipotle, chicken, shredded coconut, or anything else. Kitchari is a wonderful dish to be expressive with!

We hope that this inspires you to get in the kitchen and whip up a big batch of kitchari that you and the whole family can enjoy.


Basic Kitchari Recipe

 This recipe is just for the base, add in seasonal vegetables or favorites like zucchini, asparagus or sweet potato. You can also add coconut milk, or other spices to the dish as well as adding cooked meats to the dish once its cooked.


1 cup basmati rice

1 cup mung dal or lentils

5-6 cups water

3 tsp. ghee

½ tsp. coriander seeds

½ tsp. cumin seeds

¼ tsp black mustard seeds

½ tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp garam masala

1 pinch asafoetida (hing)

½ to 1-inch fresh ginger root, chopped or grated

¼ tsp – ½ tsp rock or sea salt


Optional: Assorted veggies, coconut milk, shredded coconut, cilantro lime and yogurt to garnish.


And of course, no kitchari is complete without its counterpart the papadam. If you are eating kitchari for a cleanse, I’m sorry to say it, but you’ll want to pass on the papadams. But if you’re making it as a diner to share with friends, papadams are a tasty crunchy gluten-free cracker that provides the perfect vehicle for eating your kitchari. Papadam can be found at most grocery stores in the ethnic section of the store.

Seasonal Transition

As the seasons change we too change with them. The
transition from winter to spring may be one of the most welcomed changes in
local climate, but it can be tough on the body. As the seasons battle for control
of the weather our systems become victim to fluctuating temperatures,
blistering winds, and rain.

This much fluctuation in the weather is exhausting for the
body and can create temporary issues. One of the first places our bodies
adjusts to deal with the changes is in the digestive system. This can affect
our Agni (digestive fire) and create issues with our ability to digest our food
property creating issues with elimination. As our bodies grow tired from the
fluctuation weather we become more susceptible to sinus congestion, colds and
seasonal allergies.


CCF tea is a warm tea made from cumin, coriander, and
fennel. This tea can help to sooth and calm the digestive system, encouraging
proper digestion and help the body to fight off symptoms from the seasonal
change. The whole seeds are boiled and them steeped to create a sweet and
savory tea. I personally love the melody of flavors in this tea, but I’m also
known to dried berries or lemon balm to change things up.

What does CCF tea do?

CCF tea is a digestive (deepan), it burns toxins (Ama
pachan), is a mildl diuretic, anti-flatulent (gas relieving), decongestant,
anti-oxidant, anti- inflammatory, antacid, and antispasmodic. It has been shown
to be effective in reducing sinus congestion, controlling acid indigestion, and
soothing IBS symptoms, calming the mind, and improving elimination.

CCF Tea Recipe

This balanced and flavorful digestive tea is made from equal
proportions by volume of the seeds of Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel. It has many
subtleties of taste combining sweet, pungent, bitter and astringent flavors
which are directly balancing to all the doshas and especially the arising pitta
and congestive Kapha during Springtime.


1 tsp. Cumin

1 tsp. Coriander seeds

1 tsp. Fennel seeds

3-4 cups of water

First, boil the seeds for 10 minutes. Then, let steep for another 15 minutes. Finally, strain out the seeds and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Enjoy CCF tea hot, warm or at room temp.

We recommended drinking ½ of a cup to 1 cup of tea before meals to increase appetite and aid digestion. You can also enjoy this same amount of tea after meals to aid digestion, absorption and assimilation.

It is important to use the whole seed and use high quality organic ingredient to make CCF tea. To save time and ensure your getting the best quality ingredients, we are now offering pre mixed bags of CCF tea for purchase. To order your CCF tea send us an email at or give us a call at
828-484-2413 . Orders can be shipped to your door or you can pick them up in person at our West Asheville office.