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Rejuvenation Therapies

Post Treatments

The post Pancha Karma protocals are designed for integration, renewal, and to bring your system back to restored, optimal functioning.  They are an essential component to the success of your experience.

Following Pancha Karma, the digestion system can be delicate, so it is of vital importance to slowly integrate normal foods back into your diet.  You will add vegetables into the kichari and continue the veggie kichari for as many days as you did your cleanse.  After this time you can slowly begin to integrate foods back into your diet,  Additionally, agni tea is recommended during this time to restore digestive capacity to it’s fullest.

About a week after you have completed your Pancha Karma we will schedule a post Pancha Karma consultation, in which your pulses will be assessed and your progress can be discussed and any special dietary considerations, as well as rejuvenating herbal protocols specific for your present state of health.  As your system is clean and optimally functioning after a Pancha Karma, this is an ideal time to address deep seated issues with specific herbal, dietary and other needed therapies.

Enjoy this new state of health and wellness, savor flavors, chew your food mindfully, and open your senses to behold your life in a whole new way of vitality and wellness.

To continue your healing journey, Pancha Karma or some form of Ayurvedic cleansing is recommended once or twice a year for ongoing support.