This cleanse brings candida levels back into balance, and restores digestive health and vitality.
Candida Cleanse
The candida cleanse is designed for those who suffer from candidasis, an overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract. Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that normally lives in healthy balance in the body. It is found mostly in the intestines, genital tract, mouth, and throat. When the balance is upset, or when conditions favor the growth of the yeast over the normal flora of the intestine, and overpopulation of yeast and infection results, known as Candidiasis.
Candida over grow in the digestive tract mostly due to antibiotic usage, and over consumption of yeasts, sugars, and carbohydrates. Antibiotics wipe out the beneficial bacteria in the gut and create the space where candida can rapidly multiply and create Candidasis. Symptoms of Candidasis include new allergies to foods, fatigue, poor digestion, gas, heartburn, sugar cravings, irritability, frequent headaches, poor memory, “fogged in” feeling, dizziness, recurring depression, vaginal (yeast) infections, menstrual difficulties, prostatitis, Urinary tract infections, hay fever, postnasal drip, habitual coughing, catching colds easily, sore throat, athlete’s foot, skin rash, psoriasis, cold extremities, arthritis-like symptoms.
This cleanse brings candida levels back into balance, and restores digestive health and vitality. This cleanse lasts 2 weeks and includes dietary and herbal protocols, as well as a 6 month probiotic program which completely replenishes beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.