Serving the Asheville, NC Area and Nationally Since 2001 with Professional Ayurvedic Healthcare and Education

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Price List

Ayurvedic Health Consultations

  • Initial Consultation (80 min): $180
  • Follow up Consultations (25 min / 50 min): $55- $100
  • Acute consult (25 min): $55
  • Coaching package (3 sessions within a month) 25 min each : $150
  • Phone / Skype / Zoom Distance consults are the same price
  • Ayurvedic Mentorship: $105 / hr. /$55/ person/hr. additional or see education for classes

Medical/Clinical Massage Therapy

  • Medical/Orthopedic/ Neuromuscular Therapy: 
  • $105 (50 min) $145 ( 80 min) $195 (110 min)
  • Cranial Sacral/ Core Synchronism: $105 (50 min), $145 (80 min)
  • Massage Instruction: $105/hr.(1-2 people) $55/person/hr. additional

Yoga Therapy

  • Initial consultation/ first session (80 min):$145
  • Yoga Therapy (follow-ups or after Ayurvedic/ Massage Initial Consultation (1 hr.): $105

Ayurvedic Therapies:

  • Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage- includes oil (8 oz)) = $125 (50 min), $165 (80 min)
  • Shirodhara: $105 + oil cost(can be used for multiple treatments)
  • Herbal steam box (25 min): $55 (add on to Abhyanga)
  • Netra Basti (Therapeutic Eye Treatment): $105
  • Kathi or Nabhi basti (25 min): $55 (add on for Abhyanga)

Pancha Karma:

Completely individualized pricing when available